Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dental Myths Brought To Light!

Do you ever feel as though someone is pulling your leg regarding a certain issue, and all you want is the truth? Well, unfortunately, not knowing and being in the dark about answers to something can be frustrating, no matter what the topic is. Although many may not know this, but there are a lot of common dental myths that people are misinformed about. Let us clear some of those misconceptions up, that way you can be rightfully informed concerning you and your smile.
One common dental myth is that bleaching your teeth makes them weaker. When you want to whiten your smile, you should not have to worry about the structure of your teeth, and luckily, this myth is false. Whitening agents only affect the color of your teeth, not their health or their strength. Granted, the side effects to bleaching your teeth may include sensitivity and irritated gums, but the internal structure of your smile has not been compromised.
Another dental myth is that brushing your teeth is a bad idea if your gums are bleeding. Sure, it seems like a good idea not to brush your teeth if your gums are bleeding, but it is actually the opposite of what you would want to do. When your gums are bleeding, it means that plaque and other things, like food particles, are irritating them, and they need to be removed to stop the bleeding. Your gums may also bleed if your floss too violently, so be sure to take excellent care of them as to prevent the bleeding from starting.
There are many other dental myths that need straightening out, so be sure to keep yourself as well informed as possible. That way, you are not only able to take better care of your smile, but your body as well!

At American At Dental ExcellenceDr. Kenneth Polke provides quality dentistry treatments to patients from every corner of Colorado. His Westminster dental office also serves patients from Aurora, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Boulder, Denver, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, and more. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How Flossing Can Save Your Smile

A lot of people do not understand the importance flossing has on your overall oral health. Believe it or not, flossing every day can add up to six years on your life expectancy, and it eliminates the potential for heart disease, gum disease, and other harmful ailments. When bacteria are left to harden and turn into tartar, a buildup of plaque can wreak havoc on your mouth in a shorter amount of time than you may realize. At American Dental Excellence, we want to make sure our patients are will informed to ensure clean, healthy mouth!
In order to floss correctly, you must be sure to maneuver the floss up and down in between your teeth. This will be able to loosen and free any remaining food or bacteria. You must also keep in mind that you have to get below the gum line, and to form a C around the sides of the tooth. Be sure not to press down too hard and damage your gums, as this can only do more harm than good.
Flossing is beneficial, not only in keeping your teeth clean and healthy, but also by being able to control bad breath. Without all of the bacteria left sitting in your mouth, your breath will freshen and help you feel more confident in your smile! Getting into the regular habit of flossing everyday can give you a much better result when you go in for your dental checkups, as well as maintaining overall health in your body!

At American At Dental ExcellenceDr. Kenneth Polke provides quality dentistry treatments to patients from every corner of Colorado. His Westminster dental office also serves patients from Aurora, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Boulder, Denver, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, and more. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Pain Free Dentistry- The Methods Applied in Pain Free Dentistry in Denver, Colorado

Up until the recent past, an appointment with the dentist was a dreaded experience for many people because of the hurt or pain associated with the dental visit. Processes such as tooth removal and fillings to replace cavities were very traumatizing because of the excruciating ache that accompanied these processes.  However, in Dr. Kenneth J. Polke's office at American Dental Excellence we have introduced changes in the way dentistry is being delivered to make these processes pain free here in Denver Colorado.
New advances in dental technology such as lasers, oral sedation, IV sedation, Cat Scans, Same-Day crowns, Digital x-rays have all been introduced into Dr. Kenneth J Polke's  American Dental Excellence office.  Not only do these advances make the experience less traumatizing and pain free but actually improve the quality and time spent performing these processes.
As an example, lasers can now perform gum surgery without the use of scalpels and stitching not to mention that the healing time is speed up and the post-operative discomfort is greatly diminished.
Sedation is another pain free process. There are people who greatly fear dental instruments and procedures because of past experiences or because of negative information given to them by others. Sedation is a simple process where by drugs are administered to a patient either in pill form to be swallowed or by liquid form to be given in an an IV line.  These pills can greatly calm a patient down and remove all anxiety or drugs administered in an IV line can typically put a patient to sleep. Either way the patient is much more receptive to having the procedures performed and typically the patient under IV Sedation usually doesn't remember even being in the office to have the procedures performed.  Many IV Sedation patients tell us that that was their best dental experience ever while being sedated in Dr. Kenneth J. Polke's American Dental Excellence office.
For those folks who do not wish or need to be put to sleep (IV Sedation) the newer local anesthetics have improved the effectiveness of being numb in those local areas that are undergoing the dental procedures.  Even root canal procedures and tooth extractions can be performed pain free with the newer dental local anesthetics to numb a patient. Nitrous Oxide ( also known as laughing gas) can even be administered to those folks who just have a fear of the local anesthetic injections but once numb are fine with having the dental procedures performed.  They then just have to tolerate Dr. Polke's bad jokes. LOL
The laughing gas makes one feel very calm and relaxed as if they are floating on a cloud.
All of these pain free methods are safe when used by trained personnel.  Dr. Kenneth J Polke is both licensed and certified to administer oral as well as IV Sedation drugs by the State of Colorado.  Extra training and testing is required by the State of Colorado to perform these extra pain free methods. Bad effects are only seen when an overdose of these drugs are administered but advanced technology and training in that technology prevent this from happening. Be sure to ask Dr. Polke about this new technology used in both Oral and IV Sedation.
It is advisable to go for regular dental visits and there is no excuse for those who have a fear of seeing the dentist. With the introduction of pain free dentistry in Denver Colorado by Dr. Kenneth J Polke's office at American Dental Excellence what was once a traumatic experience is no longer the case.  Oral health is of great importance and if left unchecked it can lead to a negative effect on one's general health to be discussed in later blog posts.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Straighten Your Smile with the Help of Six Month Smiles

If you have gapped or misaligned teeth, you may find it difficult to be one hundred perfect confident in your smile. Though you may have considered braces, you may have the image of having a mouth full of metal, which may not very appealing. Because of the wonderful technological advancements in dentistry, Dr. Kenneth J. Polke is able to transform your crooked smile seamlessly with the help of Six Month Smiles!
The wonderful thing about Six Month Smiles is the fact that you are able to straighten your smile without it being so obvious. Another benefit is that you will be able to change your smile in six months or less, eliminating months, possibly years, of wait time. The wires and brackets with Six Month Smiles are meant to blend with the natural color of your tooth, so you are able to be as discreet as possible with changing your smile.
During the time you are straightening your smile, you will make appointments with Dr. Polke so he is able to tighten the wires and readjust wants needs to be. We want to make sure you are responding well to the Six Month Smiles treatment, and because the treatment is gentle on your smile, you will not experience as much pain and discomfort that is associated with traditional braces! If you’re curious about how Dr. Polke can help straighten your smile with the help of Six Month Smiles, make an appointment today and we’ll be more than happy to help!

At American At Dental ExcellenceDr. Kenneth Polke provides quality dentistry treatments to patients from every corner of Colorado. His Westminster dental office also serves patients from Aurora, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Boulder, Denver, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, and more. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants with Dr. Polke

Having insecurities about your smile is never an easy thing to deal with.  It can really be an emotional toll on yourself and your mind, giving you a lot of insecurities to deal with. You may be weary to meet new people, make a memorable first impression, or to join your friends in a laugh. If you have teeth missing from your smile, it is definitely a lot to deal with, and Dr. Kenneth Polke is willing to restore your smile to its full luminosity with the use of dental implants.
Though it may not seem like a big deal, if you have teeth missing, it can be detrimental to the rest of your mouth. Your other teeth will start to shift in order to make up for the missing space. It is important to make sure you tackle the gaps in your smile, and Dr. Polke is ready to help.
The first step in dental implanting is having a consultation with Dr. Polke. There, he will be able to fully assess your smile in its current state, and be able to tell you exactly what needs to be done. When the day for the procedure comes, Dr. Polke will embed a metal implant into your jaw bone where the missing tooth is. The implant will take the place of your tooth root, and will fuse with your bone. After that, the abutment is added, which is a support system for the implant and the soon-to-be-placed crown. After the abutment comes the crown, which looks identical to a tooth. In the end, you’re left with a beautiful, restored smile that you can be proud of!
There are many benefits to dental implanting besides giving you a beautiful smile. Dental implants give you your confidence back. You will be able to enjoy life without worrying if people are judging you on your smile. When you have confidence, it leaks into many aspects of your life, and that is what we hope to accomplish. If you have any questions about dental implants and how Dr. Polke  can help, make an appointment, and we’d be happy to help!

At American At Dental ExcellenceDr. Kenneth Polke provides quality dentistry treatments to patients from every corner of Colorado. His Westminster dental office also serves patients from Aurora, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Boulder, Denver, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, and more. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let Porcelain Veneers Change Your Smile

People often put a lot of pressure on making a good first impression, and being insecure about your smile may prevent you from doing just that. Misaligned, gapped, stained, or chipped, teeth, like everything in life, have a way of going through life’s hard knocks. At American Dental Excellence, we are here to make sure you make an amazing first impression, and porcelain veneers may be the way do it!
Your adventure of getting your porcelain veneers begins with a consultation with Dr. Polke. He will ask you questions about your smile and evaluate its current state, ask how you want your smile to look when the procedure is completed, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. He will make impressions of your mouth and send those impressions to a dental lab to make your very own porcelain veneers. When everything is ready to apply your veneers, we prepare the natural teeth by removing a small amount of enamel. Your porcelain veneer is then applied and made stable with resin cement. In the end, you’re left with a smile you can be proud of.
The reason why porcelain veneers are a wonderful option to a lot of people is because it looks you’re your natural teeth. In many cases, people don’t like for it to be obvious that they had work done, and porcelain veneers are a way for your new look to appear as organic as possible. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant, and can last for up to ten years. Make an appointment with Dr. Polke today, and be prepared to smile from ear to ear!

At American Dental ExcellenceDr. Kenneth Polke provides quality dentistry treatments to patients from every corner of Colorado. His Westminster dental office also serves patients from Aurora, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, Boulder, Denver, Broomfield, Arvada, Thornton, and more. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.